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主题 : 2016社科院考博英语词汇练习题
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级别: 论坛版主
楼主  发表于: 2015-10-30   


freekaobo考博整理了社科院考博英语词汇练习题,供报考社科院博士的考生练习。 !/;/ X\d  
1. While shopping in a department, I _ _ left my purse lying on a counter of handbags. QO&{Jx.^[  
  [ A ] initially [ B ] fortunately v+b#8  
  [ C ] frustratedly [ D ] accidentally k/;%{@G)  
  2. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the __ of maturity. 6#SUfK;  
  [ A ] fulfillment [ B ] achievement iS]4F_|vd  
  [ C ] establishment [ D ] accomplishment 9N@m><N84  
  3. Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8% and 46.8% , __, over February 1](PuQm7+  
  1995. ??u*qO:p  
  [ A ] individually [ B ] respectively #PJHwvr  
  [ C ] correspondingly [ D ] accordingly cKM#0dq  
  4. The cashier was asked to __ every penny of the money that he took care of. j2GTo~muq  
  [ A ] account tn [ B ] use up +$;* "o  
  [ C ] amount to [ D ] account for |T)  $E  
  5. Today chemicals are used to destroy crop insects, to preserve food, and to purify our water, among oth-el' =Sp+$:q*  
  [ A ] matters [ B ] things dWK"Tkf\  
  [ C ] businesses [ D ] accounts GVK c4HGt  
  6. If the fir?alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to __ in the courtyard. 5"WI^"6b:  
  [ A ] converge [ B ] assemble b2 5.CGF  
  [ C ] crowd [ D ] accumulate 49iqrP'  
  7. The managing director took the __ for the accident, although it was not really his fault. w}WfQj  
  [ A ] guilt [ B ] blamc kE`Fg(M  
  [ C ] charge [ D ] accusation XEe$Wh  
  8. If someone is frowning, we __ that he or she is sad or angry. D_)N!,i  
  [A] infer [ B ] claim 8quH#IhB  
  [C] anti,.ipate [ D ] acknowledge >.1d1#+b  
  9. I with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column. >z|bQW#2  
  [ A ] express [ B ] confess me+u"G9I;  
  [ C ] verily [ D ] acknowledge \f-@L;8#  
  10. Mrs. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be __ with everyone "%rzL.</  
  who comes to the store. &\iMIJ-  
  [ A ] accepted [ B ] admitted q5G`N>"V  
  [ C ] admired [ D ] acquainted U9Gg#M4tY  
1. Telecommunication developments enable the sending of messages television, radio and very .Mxt F\  
  shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with many messages. KSve_CBOh  
  [ A ] via [ B] amid f7?u`"C  
  [ C ] past [ D ] across gHox>r6.A  
  2. A man has to make __ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old. R+5yyk\  
  [ A ] supply [ B ] assurance t;b1<TLn0  
  [ C ] provision [ D ] adjustment 5 D[`nU}  
  3. The government agency responsible for the of such standards was the FCC. Ch'e'EmI  
  [ A ] approval [ B ] proposition MZ%S3'  
  [ C ] consent [ D ] agreement 9/PX~j9O?  
  4. When travelling, you are advised to take the travelers' checks, which provide a secure ^%t {:\  
  carrying your money in cash. TUX:[1~Nf[  
  [ A ] substitute [ B ] selection 49Hgq/uO  
  [ C ] preference [ D ] alternative `^: v+!  
  5. My students found the book: it provided them with an abundance of information on the subject. g+QNIM>  
  [ a ] enlightening [ B ] confusing fiQ/ &]|5  
  [ C ] distracting [ D ] amusing Dcs Q6  
  6. The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of case. R_duPaWc@  
  [ a ] an operation [ B ] an emergency tg;AF<VI  
  [C ] a treatment [ D ] an incident N6h.zl&04  
  7. In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or __ for language learning pur- :9W)CwZ)V  
  poses, there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills. Z9UNp[  0  
  [ a ] adapted [ B ] acknowledged rp!>rM] s  
  [ C ] assembled [ D ] appointed Dw&_6\F @  
  8. The problem has simply because you didn't follow my instructions. Mo&Po9  
  [ A ] raised [ B ] aroused Ql9 )  
  [ C ] risen [ D ] arisen , R $ZZ4  
  9. To my surprise, the house which looked rather shabby outside was luxuriously and ___ fur- q&@q /9kz  
  nished inside. LLJsBHi-  
  [ A ] artificially [ B ] arbitrarily r~sQdf  
  [ C ] arrogantly [ D ] artistically 2@f?yh0  
  10. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are free medical care. aWMEo`O%  
  [ A ] entitled to [ B ] involved in 3ms{gZ bw  
  [ C ] associated with [ D ] assigned to gg QI  
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级别: 论坛版主
沙发  发表于: 2015-10-30   
1. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough __ '{xPdN  
  [ A ] nuisance [ B ] trouble #Jqa_$\.  
V_Oj?MMp n  
  [ C ] worry [ D ] anxiety \%+5p"Z<  
p2: >m\  
  2. The joys of travel, having long ~ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the b 6B5  
  means. KWH l+p L  
  [ A ] omitted [ B ] neglected HRxA0y=  
  3. From this material we can __ hundreds of what you may call direct products. QBI;aG<+b>  
@?r[ $Ea1M  
  [ A ] derive [ B ] discern j6_tFJT  
  [ C ] diminish [ D ] displace yMoV|U6  
z nxAP|  
  4. In spite of Spanish origin, Brazil also has certain things which make her __ ^E^Cj;od@  
  [ A ] specific [ B ] distinguished *P.Dbb8vn  
J*} warf&  
  [ C ] specialized [ D ] distinctive Z>si%Npm\  
{5, ]7=]  
  5. All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully __ the risks A3 |hFk  
  and benefits. EDf"1b{PX  
  [ A ] weighing [ B ] valuing Z=&cBv4Fs  
  [ C ] evaluating [ D ] distinguishing 74p=uQ  
&Q`{ Gk  
  6. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely my idea to prove your point. ;qN;oSK  
4{rqGC /  
  [ A] revising [ B ] contradicting NlG~{rfI  
  [ C ] distorting [ D ] distracting ZZu{c t9  
  7. The remarkable __ of life on the Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his <(c_[o/  
  theory of evolution. http://kaobo.b2cedu.com kR,ry:J-  
  [ A ] classification [ B ] variety =} D9sT  
/L yoTBG  
  [ C ] density [ D ] diversion s ]XZQr%  
?XIB\7 }  
  8. Children are __ to have some accidents as they grow up. m0Geq.  
  [ a ] obvious [ B ] indispensable SIridZ*%  
  [ C ] bound [ D ] doubtless _@5|r|P>  
  9. When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them __ !*1 $j7`tP  
4^Y{ BS fF  
  [ A ] off [ B ] aside \'Q rJ ?D  
!sG# 3sUe[  
  [ C ] out [ D ] down #soV'SFG  
  10. Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes __ to American audiences. ;l %$-/%  
  [ a ] deal [ B ] over smUSR4VK  
  [ C ] across [ D ] down yT~rql  

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