1. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough __
n+# 5H1N]v+ [ A ] nuisance [ B ] trouble
`z$P,^g` y06xl:iQwF [ C ] worry [ D ] anxiety
MQ?(, EwmNgmYq 2. The joys of travel, having long ~ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the
/;{L~f=et) sVGQ
SJJ5 means.
#c":y5: bYZU}Kl;( [ A ] omitted [ B ] neglected
0T1pGs' L62%s[ 3. From this material we can __ hundreds of what you may call direct products.
TD%L`Gk hg#O_4D [ A ] derive [ B ] discern
Od^Sr4C 8Lgm50bs [ C ] diminish [ D ] displace
Pf<yLT] Jgg< u# 4. In spite of Spanish origin, Brazil also has certain things which make her __
~MXhp5PI U^BM 5b [ A ] specific [ B ] distinguished
rZcSG(d`53 FvG?%IFM [ C ] specialized [ D ] distinctive
XogCq?_m RjTGm=1w 5. All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully __ the risks
vC`SD] |$e'yx6j and benefits.
GBWL0'COV B f]Bi~w< [ A ] weighing [ B ] valuing
.hf 5V\",PAW [ C ] evaluating [ D ] distinguishing
l'aCpzf tq3Rc}
6. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely my idea to prove your point.
Ie(.T2K 3)6- S [ A] revising [ B ] contradicting
1^E5VG1[ Z
b$]9(RS [ C ] distorting [ D ] distracting
#vxq|$e x.wDA3ys 7. The remarkable __ of life on the Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his
"hz M}# DX=NZc theory of evolution.
http://kaobo.b2cedu.com {?IbbT '&B4Ccn<V [ A ] classification [ B ] variety
\3^ue0 0kOwA%m [ C ] density [ D ] diversion
M3O !jN~
#Gg^QJ* 8. Children are __ to have some accidents as they grow up.
D_0Vu/v kDWEgnXK,v [ a ] obvious [ B ] indispensable
E X_hDU~5{wC [ C ] bound [ D ] doubtless
usD@4!PoA oq+w2yR 9. When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them __
tLa%8@;'$ 62qjU<Z [ A ] off [ B ] aside
79W^;\3 !L
wHKCj [ C ] out [ D ] down
B0%"0?`8 mA+:)?e5~ 10. Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes __ to American audiences.
ji1vLu4|t C\GP}:[T3 [ a ] deal [ B ] over
jTcv&`fAz Pa{ [ C ] across [ D ] down
Wq1 jTIQ